家庭教育 |
家庭教育 随着社会体新月异的变化,家庭教育功能也在发生着变化,主要是由以往以孕育和呵护孩子为主
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发布时间:2007-11-09 13:13:09
随着社会体新月异的变化,家庭教育功能也在发生着变化,主要是由以往以孕育和呵护孩子为主,转变为既要保证孕育和呵护孩子的质量,又要保证家庭教育的效果,而家庭教育的效果几乎成为调整家庭功能的主要项目之一,许多家庭为此投入了相当大的时间、精力和资金,并乐此不疲。特别是独生子女家庭的教育功能显得尤为重要,父母等长辈们围绕着独根独苗的生长、发育和成材不停地转来转去。望子成龙,盼女成凤,表达着上一代人或者上几代人的渴望和心愿,从而在社会上又构筑了一条多姿多彩的教育风景线。这道风景线的形成,为社会的进步和家庭的文明与幸福注入了活力。事实表明, 独生子女的家庭教育是一个重要的话题,凡是一个有远见、有责任感的家庭, 都会以极大的热情关注这个话题。 休 闲 宝 贝 网
Along with society's change, the home education function is also having the change, mainly was by formerly breeds and protects the child primarily, transformed for both must guarantee bred and protects child's quality, and had to guarantee the effect of
home education.but the home education effect nearly became one of adjustment function of the household principal items, many families invested the quite great time, the energy and the fund for this, and always enjoyed. Specially, the only child family education function appears especially importantly, elders and so on parents revolve only child's growth, to grow and to become a useful adult do not stop rove.Hopes that a son will grow up to be successful, hoped female becomes the phoenix, is expressing the previous generation person or on several generation of person's hopes and the wish, thus has constructed a colorful education scenery line in the society.This scenery line formation, and has poured into the vigor happily for society's progress and the family civilization.
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