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起名问题 《海上钢琴师》里面主人公1900弹的曲子是什么名字?
  人气: 【字体:
  发布时间:2009-08-27 15:48:14




休 闲 宝 贝 网
1 .1900's theme
2 .the legend of zhe pianist
3 .zhe crisis
4 .the crave
5 .a googbye to friends
6 .study for three hands
7.piaying love
8 .a mozart reincarnated
10.1900's madness#10
11.danny's biues
12.second crisis
13.peacherine rag
14.nocturne with no moon
15.before zhe end
16.piaying love
17.i can and zhen
18.1900's madness#2
19.silent dood bey
20.ships and snow
21. lostboys calling

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