起名问题 |
起名问题 I开头的女性英文名有哪些,请注上音标和写出含义,我还想问一下,英文名IVY的含义和音标,拜托!
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发布时间:2007-02-04 16:48:31
快!!!!!!!!!! 休 闲 宝 贝 网
Try this web site...http://www.thenamemachine.com/list-girls-baby-names/t-1.html
Look at those name start with I like Isabella after choosen let me know, I will explain to you...
IVY 含义=The girl's name Ivy \i-vy\ is pronounced EYE-vee. It is of Old English origin. Name from nature; an evergreen climbing ornamental plant. Iva is a feminine form of Ivo, a saint's name.
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