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起名问题 《精舞门》最后一点那首歌叫什麽名字
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  发布时间:2006-09-29 09:07:37



休 闲 宝 贝网
陈小春( 听歌 blog)、南贤俊( 听歌 blog)联袂领衔,用两段截然不同的心路历程,演绎了两个男人殊途同归的成长史。从难解难分的连番对抗到惺惺相惜的携手并肩,在一场场惊心动魄却又节奏明快的比拼中,两位男主角找到了属于自己的舞台。而这份建立在竞争上的情义,也成为笑对人生的力量和男儿本色的注脚。华章重彩的男人戏,这个电影里,几首曲子,折服了很多人,我也一样,感觉很不错,尤其是歌词,写的也很不错,配上这个电影,真是绝配:
下面是曲目的名字,大家赶紧去下载吧。 (有些人想要中间的舞曲,可以到百度搜精舞门下载)
ring my bells -- enrique iglesias (我最喜欢的 ,在电影48分左右的时候播放的背景曲)
you raise me up
城市拳击手 — 功夫派 -逆转
勇敢飞 - 范冰冰

ring my bells
歌手:Enrique Iglesias 专辑:Insomniac Ring my bell, ring my bells..
Ring my bell, ring my bells..
Ring my bell, ring my be lls..
Ring my bell, ring my bells..

Sometimes you love her
Sometimes you don’t
Sometimes you need it then you don’t and you let go..

Sometimes we rush it
Sometimes we fall
It doesn’t matter baby we can take it real slow..

Coz the way that we touch is something that we can’t deny
And the way that you move oh it makes me feel alive
Come on

Ring my bell, ring my bells..
Ring my bell, ring my bells..
You try to hide it
I know you do
When are you ready wanna ours meet up come and get to

You move me closer
I feel you breathe
It’s like the rose disappears when you around me

Coz the way that we touch is something that we can’t deny
And the way that you move oh you make me feel alive
So come on

Ring my bell, ring my bells..
Ring my bell, ring my bells..
Ring my bell, ring my bells..
Ring my bell, ring my bells..

Say you want, say you need
I can do by your face know the way it turns me on

I say you want, I say you need
I will do all your things I would never do you wrong

Coz the way that we love
Is something that we can’t fight
I just getting up oh you make me feel alive
So come on

Ring my bell, ring my bells..
Ring my bell, ring my bells..
I say you want I say you need
Say you want say you need
(I can tell that way oh look at me i tell you what)
(If you caught all the taste for me don't have to wait just get it on)
Get it on

http://user.qzone.qq.com/519933707 是某个人的空间`他很辛苦找到的

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