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家庭教育 水的用途及怎样节约水[英文]
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  发布时间:2008-04-27 02:17:15




水的用途Use of water

1. 维持生命所需 We need water for living. If there is no water, we will die. Water is the most important factor for mankind and animal living.休 闲 宝 贝 网

2. 洗衣洗菜洗澡等。We need water for washing, bathing...

3. 有水才会下雨。Keep a water circle by rainning, vapor, then there will be much more water gathering to the river, to the lake, to the sea.

4. 水还可以发电。Water can make electricity.

5. 水还可以灌溉,浇花。Plants and flowers also need water.

怎样节约水How to save water

1. 水龙头不要开太大。Don't make water faucet fully opened.

2. 淘米水浇花,洗抹布,冲厕所。Use the water after washing rice to water flowers, wash rags, and then flush the closestool.

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